Tutorial This is a how to upgrade from 3.0.12.X to 3.0.13.X


Sep 11, 2015
The usual way to update your server is to change the ts3server file and sometimes to replace the entire sql folder.

Well recently teamspeak had an update on their database functions.

Changes to Teamspeak Version 3.0.13
* updated sqlite to 3.11.1
* sqlite db now uses WAL as journal mode

*Before continuing make sure to backup all your current files and folders.

1. You want to replace 5 folders/files. To do this we are going to drag and drop these folders/files into the teamspeak 3 server folder and when it asks you to replace, hit yes.

Replace the redist folder, sql folder, libts3db.maria.so, libts3db_sqlite.so and ts3server with the new ones.

2. Reboot the server

3. Start your teamspeak by using the command
./ts3server_startscript.sh start

4. Wait 2-5 minutes.
Teamspeak needs to check the database and update it to the newest version - version 25

Your log file will show
2016-08-16 21:37:47.144784|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   |TeamSpeak 3 Server (2016-08-15 10:04:11)
2016-08-16 21:37:47.144905|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   |SystemInformation: Linux 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 x86_64 Binary: 64bit
2016-08-16 21:37:47.144935|WARNING |ServerLibPriv |   |The system locale is set to "C" this can cause unexpected behavior. We advice you to repair your locale!
2016-08-16 21:37:47.144955|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   |Using hardware aes
2016-08-16 21:37:47.145711|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   |dbPlugin name:    SQLite3 plugin, Version 3, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2016-08-16 21:37:47.145798|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   |dbPlugin version: 3.11.1
2016-08-16 21:37:47.146027|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   |checking database integrity (may take a while)
Once completed, the log file will say
2016-08-16 21:37:47.162035|INFO    |SQL           |   |database updated successfully to revision: 25
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176782|INFO    |Accounting    |   |Licensing Information
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176827|INFO    |Accounting    |   |licensed to       : BangarangGroup
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176848|INFO    |Accounting    |   |type              : NPL
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176877|INFO    |Accounting    |   |starting date     : Fri Jan  13 11:23:59 2016
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176900|INFO    |Accounting    |   |ending date       : Fri Jan  13 11:23:59 2017
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176919|INFO    |Accounting    |   |max virtualservers: 2
2016-08-16 21:37:51.176930|INFO    |Accounting    |   |max slots         : 512
2016-08-16 21:37:51.191419|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   |database busy, waiting for finishing index tasks, may take some time!
2016-08-16 21:38:31.912815|INFO    |              |   |Puzzle precompute time: 712
2016-08-16 21:38:31.914545|INFO    |FileManager   |   |listening on, :::30033
2016-08-16 21:38:31.948358|INFO    |CIDRManager   |   |updated query_ip_whitelist ips:,
2016-08-16 21:38:31.948558|INFO    |Query         |   |listening on, :::10011

5. Refresh your teamspeak server folder and you will now see 2 new files in your teamspeak 3 server folder. ts3server.sqlitedb-shm and ts3server.sqlitedb-wal. Note that ts3server.sqlitedb was already in there.

6. Congratulations you have now updated teamspeak to 3.0.13.X